Meet the Artists

At Trippy Trading Cards we pride ourselves in finding obscure artists from around the world. Mixing the beautiful with the absurd, TTC brings you the finest quality Non Fungible Tokens on the market. Here you can learn about some of your favorite artists and hopefully find some new ones too! Look for the Series One logo on our NFTs to see which projects are being created for the first time. 

Introducing the TTC family of artists

Check back periodically to see which new artist has been added to the TTC family. 

Sevens Secret

Hailing from Hayward CA, Sevens Secret may be the greatest NFT artist of our time.

Frank Rizzo

A bit of a jerky boy if you ask us. Frank has a vocabulary that no mother would be proud of.

Jack U. Leighshun

We can always count on Jack to finish his pieces early and he always leaves us satisfied.

Gus Whitiker

Gus is a 103 yrs old artist and is known for being an ornery SOB. Gus takes absolutely no crap!

Haywood Jablomi

A popular artist in the 80’s, Haywood is a bit of a recluse nowadays. Haywood hates art and NFTs.

Printon Goburr

Printon is the type of artist you can always count on to do whatever you want as long as you have the money.

Coming Soon

Be sure to check back to see which new artist has been added to the TTC family!

Sevens Secret

Sevens Secret aka Celery Cyborg is the CEB (Chief Executive Badass) of Trippy Trading Cards. Keeping in line with his NFT counterparts he has decided to start TTC with the hopes of bringing together digital and non-fungible artists from around the globe. Sevens has long considered himself to be a non-f**kable artist, so jumping to non-fungible seemed like an easy move.

Born and raised in Hayward CA, the same place as The Rock, Sevens always had art on his mind. Whether it was his art teacher, Mrs. Applebootum, or his buddy, Art Garfunkel (no relation to Gene Simmons) Sevens never stopped thinking about the two. It wasn’t until the untimely death of Mrs. Applebootum that Sevens reevaluated his life. The fact that it was his friend, Art Garfunkel that built the faulty elevator that leads to Mrs. Applebootums unexpected expiration was a contributing factor to his falling out of friendship with Art. The elevator event, which the newspapers dubbed as “the flattening”, was all sevens needed to leave his humble abode and seek greener pastures.

After about a year or so dealing with all the bugs, critters, animals, and things that go bump in the night, Sevens left his farm of greener pastures and decided to try his luck in the big, bright city of Little Rock, Arkansas. Not a day would go by that Sevens wasn’t watching a crypto or NFT video to learn about the burgeoning market that was coming into existence. Fortunately, Sevens is a really bad speller so It was just a happy accident that Sevens was searching the term virgin market and came up with burgeoning markets. Sometimes being a sick pervert can really pay off! And pay off it did.

Now one of the world’s richest men, with an estimated value of 77 kazillion gazillion dollars, Sevens spends most of his time watching videos of paint drying and looking for new, undiscovered artists. Never one to face up a new challenge, Sevens is relaxing at his resort in the Burmuda Triangle where he and his 42 cats live. It may seem from the number of cats he owns that he has a problem, but he only recently acquired a high number of cats because most of them mysteriously disappeared.

We asked Sevens to comment for his bio, but he said 17 of his cats have worms and it’s become a real bruhaha. As hard as it is to get ahold of Sevens we greatly appreciate the platform he has allowed us to build. The TTC empire would be nothing if not for the vision of our dear leader; Kim Jong…I mean, Sevens Secret. We love our dear leader. Creator of unicorns, holes-in-one, and frozen burritos, we are forever grateful for his holiness.